A modern Russian interpretation of Vladimir Nabokov's novel, "Lolita," where single mother, Olga, and her bratty fourteen year old daughter, Alisa, are desperate for money. [污视频在SP影视网]They decide to re">A modern Russian interpretation of Vladimir Nabokov's novel, "Lolita," where single mother, Olga, and her bratty fourteen year old daughter, Alisa, are desperate for money. They decide to rent out a room to writer, Gennardy. Jealous of her mother's affection toward the writer, the preteen decides to seduce him ending with a surprising twist.现代俄罗斯人对弗拉基米尔纳博科夫小说《洛丽塔》的解读,在小说中,单身母亲奥尔加和她14岁的小女儿艾莉莎非常渴望金钱。他们决定把一个房间租给作家根纳迪。由于嫉妒母亲对这位作家的爱,这位少年决定用一个令人惊讶的转折来引诱他。上SP影视网在线观看猛片 俄罗斯洛丽塔,限制级电影俄罗斯洛丽塔高清版手机在线观看。

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